How to Pass a Drug Test

Drug tests are now a norm particularly when seeking employment. Federal and state laws govern the manner in which these tests are conducted and the type of test required. Often, failure to clear a drug test can also lead to you being disqualified for a job. So, there are a few precautions you can take which might help you pass a drug test. There are many products and kits available which promise you will pass a drug test. But there are a few other things you can do to ensure you will pass a drug test. Avoid using any toxins or toxic substance at least two days before the drug test.

Avoid greasy and high fat foods for these can slow the detoxification process. Stick with your fiber, carbohydrates, vegetables and food rich in proteins. Do not go on a crash diet during this time. Dieting can play havoc with your body and its metabolism. Avoid alcohol and all unnecessary medications. Drink lots of water every day beginning at least 48 hours before you are due to take the test. Exercise for a week up to two days before taking the drug test. Avoid overeating to ensure your body metabolism is at a constant pace.

Don’t skip breakfast and try to relax. If taking a urine test make sure you do not give the lab your first urine of the day. Try and avoid the first and last portion of your urine stream since these have the most toxins. Catch only the middle portion and submit it as the sample. Other not so honest ways of passing a drug test include substitution and adulteration. The former of course involves substituting your urine with drug-free urine. If you do not take drugs then there is no need for you to be worried about. The second method, adulteration, involves contaminating the sample but is not really a failsafe method.

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