Hemp Oil

The oil from cannabis sativa seeds is commonly known as hemp oil.  This all natural oil has a myriad of wonderful and healthful properties.  The oil is rich in essential fatty acids and natural emollients.  When consumed, it can produce a number of wonderful benefits.  Many people consider it to be nature’s most perfectly balanced natural oil since it contains just the right amount of nutrients and essential oils.

Many companies utilize hemp oil in their food and supplement products because it has such high accolades.  In its pure form, hemp oil does not contain any THC, which is the chemical in marijuana that makes people feel high.  Hemp is a totally different portion of the plant altogether and produces no harmful side effects.  You can find hemp oil pasta, snack bars, supplements, and a lot more at many natural health food stores.

Hemp oil is not just used in food items, however.  It is also a very popular ingredient for things like body lotion, lip balm, shampoos, and soaps.  The oil has terrific moisturizing properties that can sooth dry skin and chapped lips.  The popularity of hemp oil in bath and body products is increasing.  You can find hemp products such as this at a variety of online retailers.  In fact, larger companies have even created some products made with hemp oil, and in most cases they’ve become their number one and biggest seller.  Many people consider hemp oil to be a miracle of nature and the world’s perfect super food.  While this may not necessarily be the case, it certainly has some wonderful benefits. Even some restaurants have incorporated hemp into their recipes with real success.  There are also a number of cookbooks available that include both hemp oil and the hemp seed in their recipes.  It truly is a wonderful part of our natural world.

Copyright 1999-2006 HempNut, Inc. All rights reserved. “HempNut” is a trademark of HempNut, Inc. and is a registered trademark in California, New York and Canada. “Hempeh” is a registered trademark.

HempNut, Inc.: Fine zero-THC hempseed foods since 1994.

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