Drug Dictionary

A drug dictionary is more than a glossary of terms. It gives a complete definition of the drug and should include any additional pertinent information. This may be information to help identify or classify the drug and may include diagrams or pictures. Below is a list of some of the features that a good drug dictionary should contain.

Images are an important part of a drug dictionary. Unlike English words, drugs are identified by the way they look. It just makes sense that a drug dictionary should incorporate some kind of visual. Though a dictionary that does not contain images is not fatally flawed, it doesn’t offer much help in identification.

A drug dictionary should also contain alternative names. Prescriptions drugs can go by several names. Most people do not use or even know the official names of most drugs. Also generic drugs should also be taken into consideration as they have completely different names but very similar properties.

Definitions in a drug dictionary should be complete and easy to understand. There will of course be a distinction between drug dictionaries designed for professionals. However, one that is designed for use by ordinary individuals should be written accordingly. If you don’t understand it you aren’t going to get much use from it.

A drug dictionary should contain any cautions that need to be observed when taking a certain medication. This should include any drug interactions occurring with food or other drugs. It should also contain any emergency contact numbers that might be available for mishaps with the drug.

Dosage amounts and full directions should be given for each medication in the drug dictionary. It should also contain a list of the active ingredients. In addition, symptoms and side effects should also be listed for each drug contained in the drug dictionary.

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