Drug Tests

Whether we like it or not, drug tests have become an essential part of our society. There are different types of drug tests for various purposes. Blood, urine, saliva and hair drug tests are the most common. Sweat is also used in some types of drug tests. Drug tests with saliva or blood samples are used to detect drugs that have been ingested over the past 24 hours. Hair drug tests on the other hand can detect the use of drugs dating back for about 6 months or more. But this is typically used to detect a history of drug abuse and the test is also more expensive than others.

The results of some drug tests can be known within minutes while others can take anywhere between 48 hours to 10 days. Athletes and sportspersons are those who are often subjected to random drug tests. Schools and workplaces are also doing this more frequently now. Often certain medications can show up during drug tests and so it is best to divulge to the person in charge your medications history. Before agreeing to any kind of drug tests make sure you are aware of the legal aspects and requirements as per your state law.

Some states require drug tests only for certain jobs such as those involving public safety. Other states require only drivers to take drug tests while still others permit it for all occupations. Still others do not allow any kind of drug tests by employers. Consult with a lawyer or state official if you are not confident about what your rights are and what you are entitled to when faced with drug tests. Doing a little research on your own can also do you no harm. Being well-informed has never hurt anyone. It will also give you more confidence and help you relax if you know what you are heading for.

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