Hemp Backpacks

I know what your thinking, “hemp backpacks?” Being a parent the first thing that came to my mind was that as parents we are suppose to teach our kids to avoid any kind of drugs and here we are buying them a hemp backpack. Let me put your minds at ease. The hemp used to make hemp backpacks or any other type of hemp product is known as industrial hemp which is made from the Cannabis Sativa L plant which like all Cannabis Sativa plants the leaves contains less than .03% of delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) the chemical property that gives marijuana is psychoactive properties, whereas, the marijuana plant contains 5-15% THC.

With that being said, I think hemp backpacks are a revolutionary idea because hemp fibers are very strong and don’t rot, which means it will never loose its strength. Unlike cotton fibers which over time rot, loose their strength, tear and fall apart and then you have to buy another one.
However, with hemp backpacks, it’s true you may pay a little more than you would your standard shopping center backpack but if you look at the qualities of a hemp backpack you will see that it is more durable and if you have kids like mine or if your like me and are very abusive with your things then a hemp backpack is worth every penny.Not only is a hemp backpack economically sound but it comes in a variety of colors and styles that will satisfy even the pickiest of teens and it’s a backpack that you don’t have to worry about year after year because it will last them through grade school, high school, college and into adulthood. As a matter of fact a hemp backpack may be the very last backpack you ever have to buy.

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HempNut, Inc.: Fine zero-THC hempseed foods since 1994.

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