Hemp Rope

Hemp rope is a popular product for people who are environmentally conscious. The rope can be used for a wide variety of household purposes both indoors and out. People have many everyday uses for this product such as a clothes line, in the garden to tie plants, and even for pets. Dogs who like to chew can use hemp rope to help strengthen their teeth. If you own a cat, you know how they love to scratch just about everything. Provide them with an acceptable scratching item like hemp rope, and they are more likely to leave your furniture untouched.

Hemp rope had been around for several centuries and was once the main ingredient used to make rope. Unfortunately in recent years other fibers have become more popular, mainly because of their affordability. Today cotton is more likely to be used for making products such as rope and clothing but it is not an eco friendly choice. Unlike hemp, cotton is not produced without the use of chemicals, pesticides, and synthetics. These ingredients are harmful to both the environment and our overall health.  Also, there are very few fibers that provide the strength and durability offered by hemp. Rope made from hemp is not only sturdy but also water resistant. It can withstand sun and rain for many years without damage.

As people become more aware of the importance of protecting our environment, hemp is more likely to become popular again. It is used in a number of items besides rope including clothing, soaps, and body oils and lotions. Although it costs more to produce, many clothing manufacturers today are starting to offer items made from hemp. This is a great choice because not only does it satisfy the needs of environmentally conscious consumers but it also provides clothing products that will last much longer. Clothing made from hemp is both durable and won’t shrink like many fabrics made from cotton or other materials.

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HempNut, Inc.: Fine zero-THC hempseed foods since 1994.

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